Image of Prusa Bear Upgrade Printed PETG Parts MK3/S MK2.5/S MK2/S

Prusa Bear Upgrade Printed PETG Parts MK3/S MK2.5/S MK2/S

$13.99 - $39.99

This listing includes all the 3d-printed parts you need to upgrade your Prusa MK2/S, MK2.5/S or MK3/S to a half or full bear for extra rigidity and print quality! Except for the ABS fan shroud that comes with the bear extruder, all parts are printed in high-quality PETG using special settings that have been carefully tuned for maximum performance. As a result, these parts are significantly stronger than ones printed with standard settings.

Avoid having to deal with printing PETG yourself and save time by ordering this product!

Note that the bear X-axis upgrade is not compatible with the stock extruder. It requires the either the bear extruder or the Bondtech extruder with a special x-carriage. The bear extruder is only avialable in black as other colors may not work correctly with the optical filament sensor.

Additional colors are available on request! Note that if you choose clear as the color, the printed parts will not be completely clear. While the material itself is clear, the process of 3d-printing creates interior surfaces that result in an opaque object except for very thin prints.

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